There’s no shortage of quotes about teamwork out there, but my favorite is generally attributed to the icon that is Michael Jordan:
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
Incredible on a basketball court, Jordan is also a talented baseball player and golfer, and many consider him to be the best sportsperson of all time—yes, I’m one! Never satisfied, he’s gone on to make his mark on Hollywood, in fashion, and in business too.
When it comes to talent, MJ’s the real deal. But he looks beyond his talent, citing ‘teamwork’ and ‘intelligence’ as the most significant factors for success. Perhaps he’s mindful of the fact that the Chicago Bulls didn’t net a championship win in the first 6 of his 13 seasons? It was only when legendary coach Phil Jackson combined Jordan’s high-flying athleticism with Scottie Pippen’s all-around skills and Horace Grant’s super-defense that the Bulls started to win the NBA title. And went on to win it six times.
Intelligent teamwork. Is. Everything.
When I’m not obsessing over basketball and other great sports performances, I have the privilege of leading an intelligent and talented mortgage team at Sourcepoint. We’re in the game to help US mortgage lenders simplify and strengthen the way they do business, so every customer becomes a fan. Our goal is to maximize value for our clients, and winning is about more than delivering the results, it’s about earning their trust.
Moving from ‘supplier’ or ‘vendor’ to ‘trusted partner’ status is, for me, the best possible accolade for the energy, commitment, and insight we bring to a mortgage team.
That’s why I’m so proud of the findings of the latest report from HFS Research. It explores how and why a leading US mortgage service provider, who started by outsourcing a few areas of their business to Sourcepoint, now trusts us as their primary Customer Experience partner. We both believe that mortgage servicing can be done better, and we’re working together to make every step of that process more efficient, and that little bit easier and better for their customers. Our client is enjoying fantastic results, and we’re proud to be on their side. As MJ would say:
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”
