Sourcepoint’s servicing solution instantly analyzes service calls for a better customer experience

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As consumer expectations shift in the post-pandemic era, building and strengthening relationships with customers is more important now than ever for lenders. But making sure your mortgage company is truly listening to your customers can be difficult, especially in the new distributed work environment. Effectively understanding changing customer preferences and accurately measuring customer experience requires the ability to analyze large volumes of calls in real time.

Sourcepoint’s First Customer Intelligence (FCI) is a cost-effective proprietary analytics solution that combines the best of machines and humans, helping companies better understand their customers across the end-to-end journey. FCI uses speech (calls) and text (emails and webchat) analytics to gather multi-dimensional insights across four major pillars: quality and risk, associate performance, business intelligence and customer experience. The solution does more than merely identify what customers are saying – it helps lenders truly understand the emotions that drive customer behavior. According to Roshan Sethi, Head of Global Servicing Operations, with the help of insights from FCI, lenders can ensure that associates are targeting the right customers with the right message for improved customer experience.

Read more at Housingwire…

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