Title & Settlement

Comprehensive mortgage title services

Industry-leading mortgage title services

Do you routinely grapple with navigating the complexities around title and settlement, enabling stringent compliance, and ensuring timely delivery of title documents? We can help you seamlessly scale your title support services so your staff can focus on value added activities. Our 50-state solution offers end-to-end nationwide coverage, creating a one-stop shop for all your mortgage title service requirements.

The Sourcepoint advantage

Online search in as little as 4 hours

Nationwide state coverage

Smart fee calculator

Reduce cycle time and enhance quality with our industry-leading mortgage title settlement and vendor management platform. Our Mortgage Title solution helps ensure first time accuracy on all disclosures using our robust fee calculator. A trusted partner for underwriting, we also diversify risk through multiple underwriter relationships, and monitor SLAs using our rigorous governance structure.

Industry-leading mortgage title settlement and vendor platform

Title & Settlement


Title abstratctors


Closing agents


Counties with online and
plant access


E-recording counties



Unlock the power of digital: Explore our offerings

Solutions for mortgage originators and mortgage servicing companies

With our e-closing solution, you can centralize and standardize closings, collaborate with business partners and consumers, and access data and information on a wide variety of devices. Additionally, you can automate consumer education to improve engagement and build audit trails to build proof and support for post-litigation or auditing processes. Solution features include eDelivery, eClosing, eNotary and eVaulting. They enable easy delivery, review, audit and reporting, in addition to notary credential validation and automated status updates. What’s more, your team can ensure secure communication and collaboration while meeting eSign, UETA and MISMO standards.

Title process for lenders

From outsourcing to innovation: partnering to revolutionize mortgage servicing

HFS Point of View

Pivot to digital-first

Title operations are inherently complex and time-consuming, involving multiple documents and stakeholders. Automating routine, repetitive tasks can ensure that all stakeholders receive accurate timely information for accelerated processing. Our Title & Settlement services blend Automation with human interaction to improve collaboration, expedite the process, and boost customer satisfaction.

Explore insights

Hyperautomation in Digital Mortgage Operations

Sourcepoint helps mortgage provider streamline end-to-end post-closing process for superior efficiency and compliance

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